This morning afforded me a rather rare commodity these days....
down the patio stairs through the shrub arbour...(sometimes forgetting to prune can be a good thing:)
then there is lilacs.....
the sheep and horses have returned to pasture....
my hubby makes these beautiful cement birdbaths...
my vegetable garden is slowly coming to life...
floral fusions...
to the front ;where the morning sun lends itself to tranquility in the shadowed yard
I see the tree. Last week I came home one day to see the crew of hydro workers cutting off some of the trees that were growing too close to the wires. I know they were simply doing their job, but it made me sad...I remember thinking to myself.....trees are like children. We think they are ours, but they're not really. :)
Back inside I pour myself another cup of coffee.....
I notice my latest thrift store finds ...a tin bread box, and a new toaster...
(I joked with my husband that I was blessed for buying him his long coveted white bread for finally finding my tin bread box I've wanted...:))
I gaze out the window to a world which is constantly changing, a world that at times leaves me feeling small.....
with three of my girls still snoozing in their beds and hubby and son off to work on a job elsewhere, I found myself strolling through the sun drenched morning with my camera in hand...
the whole world has burst into a song of green and I for one am a rapt audience....
down the patio stairs through the shrub arbour...(sometimes forgetting to prune can be a good thing:)
there is love, there is duty...
potential in a pile of gravel...
my hubby makes these beautiful cement birdbaths...
my vegetable garden is slowly coming to life...
I continue my stroll...past silent swings
to the front ;where the morning sun lends itself to tranquility in the shadowed yard
I see the tree. Last week I came home one day to see the crew of hydro workers cutting off some of the trees that were growing too close to the wires. I know they were simply doing their job, but it made me sad...I remember thinking to myself.....trees are like children. We think they are ours, but they're not really. :)
I have planted some of my planters. Took this baby in the last few nights as there has been a risk of frost...
a favorite spot to sit in the afternoon...I notice my latest thrift store finds ...a tin bread box, and a new toaster...
(I joked with my husband that I was blessed for buying him his long coveted white bread for finally finding my tin bread box I've wanted...:))
I gaze out the window to a world which is constantly changing, a world that at times leaves me feeling small.....
but I am grateful to the One who loves and is over all.
Happy Saturday!