welcome to my blog. Sharing God's goodness with you in a wide and wonderful world.. so glad you are here.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Treading Lightly


I have had a phrase repeat its self in my head this week...
It is this Hold lightly your blessings...


It was in my morning reading a few days ago, in a book of daily devotions by the inspirational Joni Eareckson. A secret sister from church gave me the book years ago, and recently I picked it up again and have thoroughly enjoyed it's wisdom.

Blessings are exactly that, they are gifts to us, and we value them by holding them lightly...not in a clenched hand, that could easily crush their intrinsic beauty,
rather in an open hand regarding their fleeting,precious worth.
Delicate treasures are these blessings in my life....
numerous and fragile like the leaves scattered across my front lawn, able to be separated at any given moment.

photos show tangible blessings, hearts hold intangible ones...


"He who binds himself to joy, does the winged life destroy;but he who kisses the joy as it flies lives in eternity's sunrise. " (William Blake)

Monday, 19 October 2015


Like a leaf that falls on lavender, some moments simply happen...

Last night my son came down stairs to where his Dad and I were watching the news and said with his mouth full of tooth paste, "I just don't know what I want to do with my life." 

I watch him for a minute and shudder a little as he swallows a mouthful of Crest, and say "Why do you need to decide right now?"  I am not ready for a statement like this at this time of night. I may never be ready for this declaration of decisions and duty, but somehow seventeen in the evening seems a little early and far too young. 

Why hurry into something that life can dictate on it's own, when we live life fully and courageously each and every day...

Yes, I understand there are and always will be necessary measures to the path of success. But  I have learned life is way too short; and answers many times only conjure up more questions.

I realise also  my son suddenly felt the weight of the world on his growing, gangling frame shift?  Can you blame me for bluffing ? 

Life doesn't offer trite answers son. So please forgive me for not replying in black and white.  I was too busy noticing the question behind your statement, and trying to catch my breath. 

motherhood;the only job in which your skills become obsolete over night..
Adriana Trigiani- Milk Glass Moon

Saturday, 10 October 2015


Saturdays are my favorite day of the week. They usually start off slow, and there's no lunches to pack. Yay..
This Saturday was a lovely one with just a perfect blend of things to accomplish and things to leave for another time.
We are celebrating Thanksgiving here this weekend, so there are many smells simmering in the kitchen as we prepare for a traditional  Thanksgiving turkey dinner to be enjoyed tomorrow after church.

        my fall table center piece made with things I had around, easy to move when necessary..

Yesterday upon visiting the library, I  ironically came across this book on there discard table.

                                                Is there anything better than warm apple dumplings?

Here is the recipe, found it in the bottom of my recipe drawer in my sister's hand writing

It was a treat to have 3 of my daughters in the kitchen with me..

I also took time to get outside and enjoy the beautiful fall  day...
 I find it fascinating to traipse through the fields around our place in every season, there is beauty.

and around the corner is home.

So while the stuffing works on perfecting it's stuffiness...

I pause to remember that everything I call mine is gifted and loaned to me from a Higher Power.
Nobody's life is perfect, but we are blessed and it is good
 to recognize the significance that the threads of gratitude are to life, and it is necessary to Give Thanks.


Monday, 5 October 2015

Active Rest

There is something about the changing of summer to fall that makes me introspective.
I am not sure exactly where I began my introspection, whether it started that day I yielded to the cooler weather and bravely closed my kitchen window, or the boots and sweaters that were starting to surface amid the flipflops.
Seems musing is synonymous with slowing down and storing up the fruits and memories that generous summer bestows.

My heart has been focusing on an acrostic I read somewhere for the word REST.
I found it to be a powerful message to me and while I meditate on grace and the Lord's provision and pursuit in all the details of my life. I am challenged to let go of fretting and  fully REST.

R repentant spirit
E eternal perspective
S surrendered mind
T trusting heart

A little word that I ponder the whole of; with the inevitable change of life, 
breath and seasons.

                        There's much to learn in nature and it's creatures.

Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart. Wait I say on the Lord. 
           Psalms 27:14