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Tuesday 4 September 2012

Must I Be Melancholy?

It's true, I had fully intended to leave that moody door called melancholy firmly shut.
Besides I am no stranger to this and I have learned if I open it even a crack, it seeps into too many aspects of the present,spoiling the potential of new moments waiting to be released.

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via pintrest
But then, even the sky had opened up in torrents of tears.

So a few of my own  did not seem out of place at all.

Why does the beginning of a new school year always remind me so harshly , the passage of time and years in my children? Incredulously I realize that my baby is the only one left at the small school that I have had a child attend since 1998. Really?

I am happy though, as no thing can remain intact forever. Why would I want it too?
I love seeing my children discover their  potential and do things I have never tried, and succeed and sometimes fail.
I love giving them wings; this is a parent's prerogative.

The tragedy lies in letting them fly away with a piece of my heart.


"the eldest ready to begin her second year in college"

First day of school jitters,concealed by beaming smiles. I just love that I get to be home and see them off with hugs and prayers.I am so blessed.

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