welcome to my blog. Sharing God's goodness with you in a wide and wonderful world.. so glad you are here.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

A Heavy Topic

I had been thinking about this and then this happened,so burdens seemed rather appropriate. This is all that is left of our cherry tree. Yesterday as we were picking my daughter heard it crack and another limb came down. Thankfully she was able to jump out of the way.

        Burdens. Do you have one?
 Or maybe a few. If you don't, you will. I'm sorry, but that's the way life is. They will not always weigh you down like they are today. Sometimes you won't even remember it is there, until there is a painful trigger and the weight of it presses anew. But don't let that burden break you and crush the joy that is yours. 
Take that burden, learn how to walk and run with it.
Let it make you stronger. Let it make you gentle. 
Let it make you laugh until you cry, because you can. 
The burden is still there, but you are not defined by it. You are free, only now you see others carrying burdens that look bigger than any you carried. 
 You feel compelled to come along side and offer a hand, a word of encouragement perhaps,and you pray.
 For burdens are not meant to be borne in stoic silence. 
They are to be shared with others, who have an arm to spare.

Carry one another's burdens, and fulfill the law of Christ.
                            Galations, 6:2

         God gave us two arms. One to carry our own burdens.
                   One to help someone else carry theirs.

                                    admiring last weeks rainbow...


  1. Hi Lucy! I am coming over from Mindy's blog.

    I love the idea of having two arms, so we can help each other. So beautiful!

    So sorry about your tree! Trees are like friends, they are around for so long. But very relieved your daughter is ok. My burden is giving in to busyness, so I need to work on that.

    So nice to meet you!

  2. Lucy,
    I don't know if I ever mentioned to you before, but I believe that when we see a rainbow it is a gift. I was given a gift today, through You. Thank you.



thank you and blessings for words from your heart...