welcome to my blog. Sharing God's goodness with you in a wide and wonderful world.. so glad you are here.

Friday 1 February 2013

Prerequisite For My Day

Give me your eyes of grace, Lord.
I need them to see through this day.

Give me your hands of mercy, Lord.
 I have much work to do.

 Give me your feet of faith, Lord.
 The road before me is long.

 Give me your lips of truth,Lord.
 Someone needs your hope.

Give me your heart of love, Lord.
Without it I am void,

For all I have is nothing
Without love to spur me on.


    Love bears all things, believes all things. hopes all things,endures all things,love never fails.
                 I Corinthians 13

341- baby lambs still living, ,342-flowers,343-tea with daughter,344- young love,345-children who are diligent with school,346-exams went well for them,347- a good book to read on a snowy day,348-hugs,349-laughter,350- sharing concerns 351- praying for people who have shared,352-family time,353-summer dreams and plans....


  1. Oh, that is a lovely way to begin each day! You are so special dear! Sharing God's love over the www, and to all your readers. We all need this so much!!
    Much love,

  2. Hi Lucy, I was scrolling through your post,and saw the question "cake anyone" Ummm yes please! they look fab.

  3. Oh how we need Him all the day...every moment every hour.
    Beautiful words and gentle images. Lovely!
    Hugs xo

    All my heart,
    Deborah xoxoxo


thank you and blessings for words from your heart...