welcome to my blog. Sharing God's goodness with you in a wide and wonderful world.. so glad you are here.

Monday 15 October 2012

Heart Murmurs

please listen to the music..


 After all ,I muse, I knew that time would steal you from me,
I have been preparing myself for this for so long.

You never, really, were solely mine.
Your heart danced ,and I watched as you followed it's lead.

I could never call you back, and pretend it's all okay.
For life is not merely a stage on which we carry out our whims.

It is much more than that.
The ache and the longing accompany deep emotions.

In order to have peace, one needs to release our fears.
Believe in Hope.

Then dear child, and only then,is freedom found.

I wrote the above a few days ago. I was feeling a wave of fear/anxiety about the future, and all the unknownsit holds. Then I had to remind myself that God has ordained my/our destiny.Although we are allowed to choose, the outcome isn't some random happening.http://bible.cc/psalms/139-16.htm

gratitude today:41.grace from others, for others, and from Above,42. making sweet potato french fries with sweet husband:)43. and another little indulgence;making tea balls( and thinking about my mother as she used to make them too)44. hosting a family from church that we don't know very well,45.shelter,it's really windy today,46.soft hearts 47.the lure of words,48.reading good writing49.beds that are made ,50.the privilege to be at home.



  1. What beautiful music. I just let myself stop everything and enjoy listening. Ahhh. Your words are lovely, too. Anxiety has greeted me too much lately as well, so your reminder about God ordaining our destiny is wise and comforting.

  2. What a comfort in this scripture and this truth!
    Praying His peace to fill you and surround you my friend.
    I have been going through a time of having to surrender and even fall upon Him in desperation. He knows the end from the beginning and has all in His control.
    He indeed is our strength and he is ABLE in every circumstance.
    Warm hugs!

    In His love,
    Deborah xoxo

  3. I came via a link for the book above--and then hit the music and read the words.
    They flow together with impassioned emotion.

    Glorious Hope.
    Well embraced...it's where Freedom lives.

    Thank you for the read--I enjoyed the visit muchly.


thank you and blessings for words from your heart...