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Thursday, 14 January 2016

Domestic Detox

There are times when the world is simply too much...
This is when I escape. Sometimes I escape to laundry..

Yes, I am odd that way,but somehow when I am folding a basket full of clothes, or ironing a shirt to it's crispest best. I feel a sense of relief, like somehow I have helped the old world become a better place.

(I am honestly not sure how hubby ended up with this many dress shirts when he works a blue collar job..:)

There's a type of cathartic measure to placing my hands on top of a stack of neatly folded towels...

I exhale deeply and consider all the blessings laundry bestows...
I let go of what is beyond my scope of reason while I smooth, fold and stack.

It's a wholesome medicine and it seems to help this old soul  take on the world again.

In today's hectic and technology driven world, solace still remains simple.


  1. Lovely, calming scenes of your home, Lucy. Thank goodness for the special serenity and solace of our microcosms!

    Happy New Year, my friend!


  2. It's nice that laundry is therapeutic for you, Lucy. We all need some calmness in this sometimes hectic world. Love your pics today.



thank you and blessings for words from your heart...